2nd October 2022 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2022)

Hunter Athletics
TEAM TIME:  04:19:12
 OF 42
Social - Mixed
2  OF 19

Hunter Athletics's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Sean Rickard (#41172) 00:42:16 196 25-29 (31) Male  (158)
2 Luke Buckler (#42109) 00:46:24 363 25-29 (49) Male  (300)
3 Sarah Cuthbert (#40678) 00:55:16 1295 30-34 (63) Female  (340)
4 Lauren Merakis (#41219) 00:57:02 1567 25-29 (91) Female  (446)
5 Rasma Ertl (#41220) 00:58:11 1776 35-39 (67) Female  (540)